Flexible anodeless meter risers add an extra feature of ditch depth flexibility especially when replacing an older service line or eliminating back fill stresses on new construction sites. The top portion of the riser is ridged while the bottom portion going underground is flexible to adjust to the existing ditch condition. Flexible risers typically require some form of bracket or post to aid in installation. The anodeless riser provides a positive transition joint between polyethylene pipe and the gas carrying steel pipe of the meter assembly set and requires no cathodic protection below ground.
Flexible anodeless meter risers add an extra feature of ditch depth flexibility especially when replacing an older service line or eliminating back fill stresses on new construction sites. The top portion of the riser is ridged while the bottom portion going underground is flexible to adjust to the existing ditch condition. Flexible risers typically require some form of bracket or post to aid in installation. The anodeless riser provides a positive transition joint between polyethylene pipe and the gas carrying steel pipe of the meter assembly set and requires no cathodic protection below ground.